

todayNovember 14, 2023 199

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5 entries.
Brooke Halpin wrote on December 13, 2023
Thank you for adding my song, The Magic of Christmas Divine. I wrote the music on Christmas Eve a few years ago and felt the spirit of Christmas. The lyrics followed later. Merry Christmas to all.
William Valintine from NY wrote on November 20, 2023
Thank you guys for having a permanent home for my new Christmas song "its just another Christmas song " you guys are great !!
Joyce from Toronto wrote on November 16, 2023
Merry Christmas. Thank you for playing Christmas music
Peter wrote on November 14, 2023
Happy Holidays
Christmas Songs Radio from North Pole wrote on November 14, 2023
By request of our listeners we have a guestbook, we would love it if you would leave a message.

Happy Holidays from Christmas Songs Radio

Written by: Christmas Songs Radio

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