Tell Santa

Tell Santa Your Story

todayJanuary 1, 2023 210 1

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My brother and I had both stopped believing in Santa, which devastated my mom.

So she hired someone (to this day, I don’t know who) and gave them a key to our house. He dressed as Santa and my brother and I caught him in the act of leaving gifts on Christmas Eve.

I still THOUGHT he was fake, but it was convincing enough to keep me hopeful for a couple more years.


My favorite Christmas memory from my childhood was around 2nd grade.

Camcorders were all the rage and my parents set ours up on the tripod on Christmas Eve to record us opening gifts on Christmas morning.

Christmas afternoon, we rewound the tape to watch ourselves, and my dad went back too far to the night before.

Santa was spotted in my living room for about 30 seconds putting gifts under our tree.

He must have leaned on the record button while admiring our tree. It was so magical.


We were in the Tampa, FL airport with our daughters and saw Santa eating lunch.

When I got up to take my girls to use the restroom, he talked to my husband and learned their names and a little about each girl.

When we came back from the restroom, he came over to our table to talk to our girls.

He called them by their names and had a long conversation with specific details.

It was such a sweet and special moment for all of us.


I heard jingle bells on Christmas Eve that woke me up from my sleep when I was around 8 years-old.

I ran to the window and coincidentally saw a shooting star, which I thought was Santa’s sleigh.

I believed in Santa for a lot longer than normal after that.


One year, we were traveling for the holidays and I asked how Santa would find us.

We ended up getting an elaborate letter from Santa saying that our gifts would be waiting for us at home when we got back, so we didn’t have to carry them.

I later learned that my parents panicked when I asked my question and wrote the letter after we went to bed!


My oldest daughter is 11 and I can tell that she is beginning to have  doubts.

But then, we went to take a picture with

Santa and she was wearing her brand new glasses (her first time wearing glasses at all), and the first thing that Santa said was “I like your new glasses.

Her cheeks turned pink and she was amazed! I can’t even tell you how he knew!


This year has been a little hard for us, but my 6yo daughter changed that for me when we started decorating the tree.

This is the first year that she actually remembers stories behind the ornaments and how certain ones are favorites and why.

Last year, our tree fell over and we lost a few ornaments, but my favorite Grinch ornament was spared.

He just had minor scratches. When we pulled him out this year, my daughter said, Oh yeah!

Look at his scars from last year when the Elf knocked over the tree! Made my heart happy.

Written by: Christmas Songs Radio

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